Tomorrow is the first day of September, I know it is hard to believe, but the summer is almost over. But that doesn't mean there isn't still plenty to do in Downtown. Today the Downtown News released "What's Up Downtown" for September and there is everything from concerts to art exhibits to can't miss stage performances.
Tuesday, August 31
Monday, August 30
Dogs Sniff Out Cell Phones In Prisons
I am always amazed at what a dog's nose is capable of, so this story was especially interesting to me. Dogs are now being used to sniff out cell phones in prisons! The scent that the cell phone gives off is unknown to humans, but for dogs they are no problem to find. Watch this video and you will see the impressive search dogs in action.
Friday, August 27
A Little Inspiration
A friend sent this to me over the past weekend and the minute I watched this I knew I wanted to post this on Friday. It is such a great way to send you into the weekend. This video truly inspired me. Watching little Faith with her pure determination to live life and not let the challenges she was presented stop her, she just simply adapted. What an amazing quality! Once again I find myself standing in amazement of a dog's ability to just take life as it is and deal with it. I can learn so much.
Please enjoy this video and have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, August 26
The El Dorado Opens
For over a year I would stand at the foot of this beautiful building waiting for it to be complete and to open for the public to view. The building I am referring to is the El Dorado on Spring street. I have always admired it's beautiful green tile and balconies with every unit. I am ashamed to say, I have not gone on a tour yet to check out the inside, it is on the top of my list of things I must do, and I need to do it quickly because the El Dorado is open and selling units. The Downtown News ran an article yesterday stating that the El Dorado has successfully sold 3 units and there are 35 more in escrow. This project was originally budgeted at $27 million, but ended up costing $40 million, leaving Bill Stevenson, a partner in the development firm Downtown Properties, feeling that the El Dorado is both an aesthetic success and an economic disaster. He certainly seems proud of the work done to the building, but it seemed that they ran into every obstacle possible to cost more money and time, to the point that they will be able to pay the bank back and that is about it, the equity is lost.
There will be a more in depth article in the Downtown News on August 30th.
Wednesday, August 25
Experts On The Street
Yesterday was the hottest day yet of our summer and I felt it, as did the dogs I walk. Which is why I packed extra water for all my furry clients and took everything slow. But what I didn't take into account is all the experts I would pass on the street that would feel the need to tell me how to do my job. Of course they did not see us resting in the shade and drinking water, they only saw us walking on the street, but the comments I got were really offensive. The worst of it was while I was walking a Pug. Those of you that have experience with Pug's know that they sound as if they are about to hyperventilate as soon as they move around, so add a normal walk to this and they do sound like they are about to pass out... but they are not. So, as I passed through a cross walk a woman felt so moved as to grab me by the arm and yell into my face that I was killing the dog and needed to get him water and a cooling pad now, or he would be dead. The funny part to me, is that we had literally just left the park where he had been laying down in the shade drinking water for the past ten minutes, so he was rested. After she let go of my arm and continued to scream, I walked on. I am sharing this story for two reasons, one as a reminder to you all that in the heat we need to know our dogs and slow down if they need to. For the Pug and his Dachshund brother, I walked 10 minutes, took a 10 minute break and then walked for 10 minutes, but this was in the heat of the day so I knew there was no way we could walk for 30 minutes straight. The second reason is to remind you all to not say anything to someone if you don't know the whole story. I would of course be the last person to say "don't get involved" if there is wrong being done to any animal, but I am saying make sure there is a wrong to correct, otherwise you are just offensive and in some cases frightening.
Keep cool.
Tuesday, August 24
Lifeguard Dogs
A friend forwarded me this great article on the lifeguard dogs of this Italian school. It is amazing to me that they teach these dogs to rescue humans in all sorts of situations. What brave dogs they are! Enjoy the read.
In this 2000 photo provided by SICS (Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio-Italian School of Canine Lifeguards), lifeguard dogs of the Italian school perform a makeshift rescue operation at an international lifeguard meeting in Winterbach, Germany. Hundreds of specially trained dogs form Italy's corps of canine lifeguards, deployed each summer to help swimmers who get into trouble in the nation's popular seas. Unlike their human counterparts, these lifedogs can easily jump from helicopters and speeding boats to reach swimmers in need of a rescue. With millions flocking to Italy's crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year — and their canine helpers are credited with saving several lives. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Italian School of Canine Lifeguards, ho)
For the original article, bark on the link: Bark!
Monday, August 23
Creative Way To Deal With Unscooped Poop
Dogster brought us a great article from the BBC about an English town coming up with a very creative way to deal with unscooped poop. I'm not sure how effective this will be, but I certainly understand being fed up and wanting to do something shocking to get irresponsible dog owners to pick up the poop!
An English town is so fed up with unscooped dog poop that it’s resorting to a most unusual tactic: Spray-painting it bright green. The idea, according to a BBC article, is to shock owners into picking up the poop.
Poop on sidewalks will be scooped as soon as possible, but poop in grass will be painted. If it’s still there after a week, town workers will clean it up.
Some on the Poole council think there may be better ways to deal with the errant poop. Opposition councilor Brian Clements declared that “it’s a bizarre thing to do,” according to the BBC.
“I think the people that are leaving the mess will be amused by these piles of bright green mess rather than put off by them,” he said.
But environmental officers think it could be an effective way to get the message across. They recently had to deal with an alleyway covered with 200 piles of dog poop.
“We hope the paint will help highlight the size of the problem and change people’s behavior,” said Shaun Robson, head of environmental services. “We do our best to catch people but it is very difficult and we have to think of new ways, like this idea.”
Walking away from the scene of a poop is punishable by a 50-pound fine, but that obviously hasn’t deterred some poop scofflaws.
Dogsters, we’ve had many conversations about the issue of unscooped poop. Do you think painting it bright green will help? Before you answer, check out the video below, which features the work of a NY poop avenger who spray paints over sidewalk dog poop so it leaves a “scene-of-the-crime” silhouette. His or her efforts don’t seem to have stopped the poopetrator. But they sure make for a colorful sidewalk.
For the original post, bark on the link: Bark!
Friday, August 20
The Dangers Of Driving With Your Dog
Fox news just released a study done by AAA on the dangers of driving with your dog loose in the car, the study showed it can be just as dangerous as cell phones, screaming children, and loud music. It is suggested for the safety of your dog and you that you restrain your dog in the car either with a doggie seat belt, crate, or divider. If there is an accident and your dog is loose in the car, the statistic AAA used is for a 10 pound dog and a car traveling 50 mph, the dog could exert up to 500 pounds of pressure... that would do a lot of damage to the dog and anyone in the dogs way.
I am a big fan of restraining dogs in cars, mainly because I don't have to worry the entire time about them jumping out the window or jumping on my lap at the wrong time. These restraints are not cruel or harmful for your pet, it is for their safety, just like a seat belt for us.
Please enjoy the video.
I am a big fan of restraining dogs in cars, mainly because I don't have to worry the entire time about them jumping out the window or jumping on my lap at the wrong time. These restraints are not cruel or harmful for your pet, it is for their safety, just like a seat belt for us.
Please enjoy the video.
Thursday, August 19
Pets Start 1,000 Fires Per Year
Dogster published a great piece on National Pet Fire Safety Day (7/15/2010), I didn't blog about it on that day, but thought the content was important to share with you all. I was probably just as shocked as you that so many fires a year are caused by pets! Please read this, it is very useful.
Believe it or not, some 1,000 of the nation’s 500,000 house fires each year are caused by pets, according to data from the National Fire Protection Association.
Since it’s safe to say that most pets are not pyromaniacs at heart, what gives here? Last year, in The Daily Dog (the blog I put together before being recruited at Dogster), I wrote about a dog who accidentally turned on the griddle attachment to the stove, resulting in a fire that caused the damage in the photo above. The perpetrator, Alfie (on the left), probably only wanted a bit of bacon grease, and poof! The kitchen was toast.
The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services have joined forces for the third annual National Pet Fire Safety Day to spread awareness about how pets can start home fires but more importantly how to prevent them. Here’s some info they’ve been sharing with the media. If Alfie’s people had read these tips, they might not be asking Alfie what it’s all about.
“Not many pet owners realize that their pet can actually be the cause of a devastating fire,” says AKC spokesperson Lisa Peterson. “Simple preventative measures, such as flameless candles and stove knob covers, can mean the difference between life and death for your four-legged friends.”
Chris and Kay Wardlow of Oklahoma know that all too well. Their curious dog Lucy was home alone and spied a cake on the stove top. As Lucy tried to get a taste, her paw accidentally hit the stove knob and turned on the gas burner that was under the cake pan. Within minutes, the house was filled with smoke, triggering the Wardlow’s ADT monitored smoke detector. Firefighters were called to the scene, the house was saved and Lucy was rescued.
“Planning for unexpected emergencies like home fires and taking these precautions are an integral part of responsible pet ownership,” Peterson said.
AKC® and ADT offer the following tips to educate pet owners on how to prevent your beloved pet from starting a fire, as well as how to keep your pets safe.
Prevent your pet from starting fires:
· Extinguish open flames – Pets are generally curious and will investigate cooking appliances, candles, or even a fire in your fireplace. Ensure your pet is not left unattended around an open flame and make sure to thoroughly extinguish any open flame before leaving your home.
· Remove stove knobs – Be sure to remove stove knobs or protect them with covers before leaving the house. According to the National Fire Protection Association, a stove or cook top is the number one piece of equipment involved in your pet starting a fire.
· Invest in flameless candles – These candles contain a light bulb rather than an open flame, and take the danger out of your pet knocking over a candle. Cats are notorious for starting fires when their tails turn over lit candles.
· Beware of water bowls on wooden decks – Do not leave a glass water bowl for your pet outside on a wooden deck. The sun’s rays when filtered through the glass and water can actually heat up and ignite the wooden deck beneath it. Choose stainless steel or ceramic bowls instead.
Keep your pets safe:For the original article, bark on the link: Bark!
· Keep Pets Near Entrances When Away From Home – Keep collars on pets and leashes at the ready in case firefighters need to rescue your pet. When leaving pets home alone, keep them in areas or rooms near entrances where firefighters can easily find them.
· Secure Young Pets – Especially with young puppies, keep them confined away from potential fire-starting hazards when you are away from home such as in crates or behind baby gates in secure areas.
· Consider using monitored smoke detectors — which are connected to a monitoring center so emergency responders can be contacted when you’re not home. These systems provide an added layer of protection beyond battery-operated smoke alarms.
· Affix a Pet Alert Window Cling – Write down the number of pets inside your house and attach the static cling to a front window. This critical information saves rescuers time when locating your pets. Make sure to update the number of pets listed.
In partnership with the National Volunteer Fire Council, pet owners can obtain a free Pet Fire Safety Window Cling on National Pet Fire Safety Day, July 15th at local volunteer firehouses nationwide. For a list of locations, visit this site. The clings are also free online and will be available this September at your local AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day. This year’s flagship event will be held in Raleigh on September 25th. Check here for more information on an event near you.
Wednesday, August 18
Beating The Heat
The temperature is on the rise, though it is suppose to come down this weekend, I want to remind you all to look out for your furry friend. Here are the most important things to keep them safe.
1. WATER! If you are going for a walk 30 minutes or longer, especially in the heat of the day, make sure you are stopping every 15 minutes to give your dog water. If the heat is not as intense you can water them every 30 minutes.
2. LEAVE THEM AT HOME! Don't leave your dog in the car, even for "just a minute" to get something in the store. The car heats up so fast and it becomes an oven. If you can leave the air on and it is in a covered garage, it would be okay, but if you are in the middle of the parking lot, windows up... it won't take long for your car to get to cooking temperatures. It would be a great idea to have a crate fan for your dog if you do travel with them a lot.
3. KEEP IN THE SHADE! When you are walking your dog, try to keep them in the shade, especially at stop lights. The pavement and sidewalks get so hot and can burn your dogs pads. There are booties you can put on your dog or paw wax.
4. COOL THEM OFF! If your dog has a heavy coat or you know they run hot, get a cool pad or vest, it will make them so much more comfortable. You can also give your dog an ice cube or two or get them doggie ice cream treats.
I hope these quick reminder tips help to keep your dog cool.
Tuesday, August 17
The Top 5 Most Dangerous Dogs
I saw this list on K9 magazine's web newsletter and I thought it was great. Not what you think when you read the title, but it is very true. Leave it to the Brits to come up with this. Enjoy the read and take it to heart, a bad dog is a dangerous dog. Training your dog not only makes your life easier, it makes your dog's life more fulfilled. Establishing rules and boundaries is good thing and will allow your dog to live a happier healthier life.
5. Badly fed dog.
Badly fed dog is the animal who’s been fueled up with a diet fit for an Olympic weight lifter, but who only ever gets to expend about 20% of the calories he takes in. He’s got lots of energy and his mismatched diet can manifest in bouts of sudden energetic rampaging. Badly fed dog would ask you to consider; how you would feel spending your day in an office when every inch of your body is throbbing and twitching as you crave the opportunity to actually use up some of those excess calories. Badly fed dog would be happier and safer if his diet reflected his lifestyle.
4. Never had any friends dog.
Otherwise known as ‘totally under socialized dog’.
He was a little naughty when he was a puppy, so his owner decided he’d be better off being kept away from all other forms of animal life. He now spends his days obsessing over what it would be like to chase other dogs around and, by George, one of these days he’s gonna actually do it!
Never had any friends dog is going to present his owner with a lifetime of problems, he has no social skills and has never had a chance to learn natural interaction through the teachings of his own kind. He’ll meet new dogs and will be about as socially adept as a 45-year old virgin at a Playboy mansion party. He’s going to blow it. Big time.
3. Shouty.
Shouty is the dog who has spent most of his life shouting at folks or being shouted at himself. He sees people on his street, he shouts at them. In turn, his owner shouts at him. Shouty presumes being shouted at is a recognition of his excellent work. In fact, hearing his owner shouting in response to his own shouting encourages his assumption that they’re just as upset, anxious, nervous, angry as HE is about the audacity of other people/dogs/pigeons to walk past his window. Shouty is relentlessly encouraged and endorsed in his shouty behavior and, a bit like no friends dog, shouty spends his days imaging how good it will be when he FINALLY gets his chance to get face to face with the objects of his ire.
2. House proud.
House proud dog is SO touchy about people coming to his digs unannounced, he’ll happily maim you for your insolence in trying to visit his abode without obtaining the correct visitation paperwork.
House proud dog does a line in dishing out injuries to posties, meter readers and delivery people. Fortunately for house proud dog, his owners absolutely REFUSE to believe he is capable of violence, so leave him completely unattended to dish out his own brand of justice to anyone brash enough to consider entering his domain.
1. Spoilt dog.
“That’s mine and these are mine, those are mine, I’m entitled to that, I believe that I saw that first, I lay claim to those, I own all of these, I’m the rightful proprietor of this…”
Welcome to the world of spoilt dog. Quite simply, he believes everything he wants, he can have. Woe betide anyone to tell him differently. His timid owners have never had the heart to let him know that in the human world, simply showing your teeth and growling doesn’t constitute a legal contract on the ownership of goods. They let him off and, worse, they let him keep his spoils, which he’ll gather up and place in his own corner of the world.
Sadly, spoilt dog is, one day, going to meet someone who is unaware that he has previously laid claim to every possession on earth. Unfortunately, unlike spoilt dog’s owners, this person is going to have to find out the hard way just how deep spoilt dog’s sense of entitlement runs. Really hard luck if it happens to be a youngster, blissfully ignorant to the fact that the shiny ball on the floor is spoilt dog’s most prized possession (at that VERY moment). A few stitches and a spell in hospital ought to serve as a permanent reminder though.
To view the original article, bark on the link: Bark!
5. Badly fed dog.
Badly fed dog is the animal who’s been fueled up with a diet fit for an Olympic weight lifter, but who only ever gets to expend about 20% of the calories he takes in. He’s got lots of energy and his mismatched diet can manifest in bouts of sudden energetic rampaging. Badly fed dog would ask you to consider; how you would feel spending your day in an office when every inch of your body is throbbing and twitching as you crave the opportunity to actually use up some of those excess calories. Badly fed dog would be happier and safer if his diet reflected his lifestyle.
4. Never had any friends dog.
Otherwise known as ‘totally under socialized dog’.
He was a little naughty when he was a puppy, so his owner decided he’d be better off being kept away from all other forms of animal life. He now spends his days obsessing over what it would be like to chase other dogs around and, by George, one of these days he’s gonna actually do it!
Never had any friends dog is going to present his owner with a lifetime of problems, he has no social skills and has never had a chance to learn natural interaction through the teachings of his own kind. He’ll meet new dogs and will be about as socially adept as a 45-year old virgin at a Playboy mansion party. He’s going to blow it. Big time.
3. Shouty.
Shouty is the dog who has spent most of his life shouting at folks or being shouted at himself. He sees people on his street, he shouts at them. In turn, his owner shouts at him. Shouty presumes being shouted at is a recognition of his excellent work. In fact, hearing his owner shouting in response to his own shouting encourages his assumption that they’re just as upset, anxious, nervous, angry as HE is about the audacity of other people/dogs/pigeons to walk past his window. Shouty is relentlessly encouraged and endorsed in his shouty behavior and, a bit like no friends dog, shouty spends his days imaging how good it will be when he FINALLY gets his chance to get face to face with the objects of his ire.
2. House proud.
House proud dog is SO touchy about people coming to his digs unannounced, he’ll happily maim you for your insolence in trying to visit his abode without obtaining the correct visitation paperwork.
House proud dog does a line in dishing out injuries to posties, meter readers and delivery people. Fortunately for house proud dog, his owners absolutely REFUSE to believe he is capable of violence, so leave him completely unattended to dish out his own brand of justice to anyone brash enough to consider entering his domain.
1. Spoilt dog.
“That’s mine and these are mine, those are mine, I’m entitled to that, I believe that I saw that first, I lay claim to those, I own all of these, I’m the rightful proprietor of this…”
Welcome to the world of spoilt dog. Quite simply, he believes everything he wants, he can have. Woe betide anyone to tell him differently. His timid owners have never had the heart to let him know that in the human world, simply showing your teeth and growling doesn’t constitute a legal contract on the ownership of goods. They let him off and, worse, they let him keep his spoils, which he’ll gather up and place in his own corner of the world.
Sadly, spoilt dog is, one day, going to meet someone who is unaware that he has previously laid claim to every possession on earth. Unfortunately, unlike spoilt dog’s owners, this person is going to have to find out the hard way just how deep spoilt dog’s sense of entitlement runs. Really hard luck if it happens to be a youngster, blissfully ignorant to the fact that the shiny ball on the floor is spoilt dog’s most prized possession (at that VERY moment). A few stitches and a spell in hospital ought to serve as a permanent reminder though.
To view the original article, bark on the link: Bark!
Monday, August 16
Dogs Make The Workplace More Productive
Dogster had a great article on dogs in the workplace this morning, so I wanted to share it with you. It is something that has been studied before and it always shows that people are more productive and usually lowers anxiety. I hope you all enjoy the article.
The mere presence of a dog in the office can help people collaborate better, leading to a more productive workplace, according to research by scientists at Central Michigan University.
The findings were reported at the 20th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology. The researchers are finishing data collection and will be soon be submitting the research for publication.
There’s plenty of research that shows dogs help their owners forge close, long-term relationships with other people, but there’s little about how this effect translates to the workplace, according to an article in The Economist. Christopher Honts and his colleagues decided to see if dogs’ presence in the office is as helpful as it is elsewhere.
You can read about the research methodology in The Economist article, but the results so far have been just what any dog lover would suspect: Dogs add to the bonding of people who work together, and their mere presence aids their collaborative efforts.
What a fine story for a dog-lover’s Monday morning! It might be worth sharing with your manager if you want to be able to bring your best friend to work with you in the future.
In a comment below The Economist article, Honts invites anyone interested in the team’s findings to email him and his team at “We welcome any and all inquiries,” he writes.
Friday, August 13
Amazing Mothers
Dogster started our Monday by bringing us this video and I thought I would share it with all of you to send you into the weekend. It is the most amazing thing and very moving to see these mothers denie their pray instinct for their mothering instinct. Enjoy and happy Friday!
Thursday, August 12
Face Of A Killer?
I have been appalled lately by the reactions I get as I walk one of my newest clients around Downtown. My client's name is Bailey and he is a Pit Bull mix. He could be the sweetest dog I have ever met and certainly very well behaved. I know as well as anyone that not all pits or pit mixes are good dogs, but for that matter there is no breed that can guarantee a good dog, there are so many factors that determine that such as breeding, environment, owner/pet relationship and so on. I just don't understand why people see this sweet dog doing nothing more than walking beside me, not pulling, not lunging, no bad behavior at all, just walking and yet they assume the worst. Everything from jumping out of the way to actually exclaiming and accusing him of trying to bite because he chose to sniff someone as he walked by. If a miniature Poodle did the same thing, it would be cute.
What upsets me the most is that we fight so hard to end discrimination and prejudice among humans, but nothing is being done about the breed discrimination and prejudice among dogs. I am not saying that every dog you see is sweet and good, that is probably not the case, but I am saying approach each dog with the same caution. Don't assume anything about any breed, you can't possibly know anything by just looking at a dog. Keep an open mind, I hope that all that read this already do.
To learn more about Pit Bulls and how to help, bark on the link: Bark!
Tuesday, August 10
Doxie Hailed As Hero
I've said it before, it always amazes me what a pet will do for their owner. Sure, there are many dogs that you can train to get help if something should happen, but these dogs that save their families or owners just out of instinct. It continues to amaze me. In Salem, OR an 11-year-old (Missy) saved her owner Charlie Burdon after he collapsed in their home after having open heart surgery. Missy ran next door to a neighbor and wouldn't stop staring or even move until the neighbor came to her home to see what happened. Thankfully the neighbor knew something was wrong and followed her over and called 911. Charlie Burdon is alive and well thanks to Missy.
Thank you Dogster for the original blog!
Monday, August 9
Dodger Dogs
I'm not talking about the hot dogs, I'm talking about the theme night! Bring your dogs to Bark in the Park with the Dodgers. On Saturday, August 21, 2010 the Dodgers will hold their inaugural Bark in the Park at Dodger Stadium, presented by Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc. Fans that purchase a special event ticket in the All-You-Can-Eat Right Field Pavilion via the link below are invited to bring their dogs to the park and help cheer on their home team as the Dodgers host the Cincinnati Reds at 7:10 p.m.
Friday, August 6
Doggie Week On Live with Regis and Kelly
This whole week has gone to the dogs on Live with Regis and Kelly. They dedicated one segment a day to Doggie Do's and Don'ts, they covered traveling with your dog, how to find the right dog for you, breaking bad habits, grooming and how to walk your dog. It was really informative and of course fun and a little silly. The information was broken down to serve the mass public, so don't be too disappointed if you don't hear a solution to your dog's specific bad behavior, but it gave some simple solutions to very common problems. I really enjoyed watching all week and appreciate the time dedicated to educate people about dogs and how to care for them. Way to go Regis and Kelly!
Thursday, August 5
What's Up Downtown - August
The Downtown News published What's Up Downtown for August a few days ago. I love to share this with you all because there is always so much going on and if you are busy like me, I end up missing half of it because I simply didn't know it was happening. With summer in full swing there is a lot to do. Enjoy.
To view What's Up Downtown, bark on the link: Bark!
Wednesday, August 4
Best Of Downtown 2010
Downtown News released the results of the 2010 Best of Downtown. I can't say that I agree with all the picks, but I do love that they added so many more categories and the people of Downtown were included in the voting. I hope you all take a look at the results and enjoy. Maybe next year Bark & Clark will make the list.
To view the Best of Downtown 2010, bark on the link: Bark!
To view the Downtown News article, bark on the link: Bark!
To view the Best of Downtown 2010, bark on the link: Bark!
To view the Downtown News article, bark on the link: Bark!
Tuesday, August 3
Monday, August 2
Screen Cleaner
Dogster posted this adorable photo of a "Screen Cleaner" to get your Monday started. This guys is so cute, I couldn't resist posting it myself.
Hope you have a great Monday.
Hope you have a great Monday.
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