Friday, August 20

The Dangers Of Driving With Your Dog

Fox news just released a study done by AAA on the dangers of driving with your dog loose in the car, the study showed it can be just as dangerous as cell phones, screaming children, and loud music.  It is suggested for the safety of your dog and you that you restrain your dog in the car either with a doggie seat belt, crate, or divider.  If there is an accident and your dog is loose in the car, the statistic AAA used is for a 10 pound dog and a car traveling 50 mph, the dog could exert up to 500 pounds of pressure... that would do a lot of damage to the dog and anyone in the dogs way.
I am a big fan of restraining dogs in cars, mainly because I don't have to worry the entire time about them jumping out the window or jumping on my lap at the wrong time.  These restraints are not cruel or harmful for your pet, it is for their safety, just like a seat belt for us.

Please enjoy the video.