Tuesday, August 10

Doxie Hailed As Hero

I've said it before, it always amazes me what a pet will do for their owner.  Sure, there are many dogs that you can train to get help if something should happen, but these dogs that save their families or owners just out of instinct.  It continues to amaze me.  In Salem, OR an 11-year-old  (Missy) saved her owner Charlie Burdon after he collapsed in their home after having open heart surgery.  Missy ran next door to a neighbor and wouldn't stop staring or even move until the neighbor came to her home to see what happened.  Thankfully the neighbor knew something was wrong and followed her over and called 911.  Charlie Burdon is alive and well thanks to Missy.

For the full story, bark on the link:  Bark!

Thank you Dogster for the original blog!