Tuesday, May 18

To Vaccinate Your Puppy Or Not

We have all heard the on going debate about getting your children vaccinated.  This same debate is arising for your puppy.  Today Dogster's for the love of dog blog had a guest blogger, Nancy Kay, DVM.  It is wonderful information and a lot of tips just to get you to stop and think... is this right for MY puppy.  The entire point is just to make sure you are talking with your veterinarian about what is the right choice for your puppy, there is no reason in this day and age that we should just vaccinate without it being customized for our pooch and their needs.  Not to mention our own personal budget.  Sometimes to treat the disease or illness is more effective and less expensive than the vaccine, depending of course on your dog and which vaccine.
I hope you all read this great blog, it is full of information that is sure to help you the next time you should be deciding to vaccinate your puppy or not.

To read the blog, bark on the link:  Bark!