Tuesday, September 21

OK Go Video For The Dogs

I had an overwhelming number of people send this to me or tell me about this yesterday, so I had to share it today.  It is a really cute video and a great reminder of what a bit of training will accomplish with dogs.  As a trainer it is always fun to watch acting and modeling dogs to see all of the things they are able to learn.  But in this video, it is a lot of basic commands.  There are a few advanced things, but for the most part they are simple commands and a bit of agility!  But when you put it all together, it looks like this complex routine, I am certain it was much harder for the humans in this video than the pooches.  The trainer on set was Lauren Henry, my hat is off to her for a job well done with the dogs and the humans.  And let's not forget the one goat.

OK Go has decided after working with their four-legged acting counterparts to donate a portion of the profits made from this video to an animal rescue as many of these dogs were rescues themselves.  Pretty amazing.

For more on the making of this video, bark on the link:  Bark!