Yesterday was the 5th Annual Dog Day Afternoon at the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels and it couldn't have gone any better! We all had a great time and there were so many adorable dogs to love.

I was so impressed with our friend's Pussy & Pooch! Their booth was out of sight! They even had a chef cooking gourmet treats for the pooches on the spot. I loved it. Of course there was a huge line all night for that. I was so happy to see them out do themselves again. They are always leading the way as our only Downtown pet boutique!
If you missed the event last night, no worries, there will be another one next year! That is for sure based on the success from last night. Speaking of success, I would not have been able to pull any of this off if it weren't for some very special people giving me their hard work and time! Thank you to my amazing friends, family and supporters that helped me with the design, marketing, booth construction, getting out and talking to people and just your overall support! I could not do what I do without you. Especially you Atlas, one of my mascot dogs. Your energy alone is enough to make me smile all night!
If you are interested in training with Bark & Clark, bark on the link: Bark!