Happy Friday Everyone! A good friend of mine shared an amazingly cute video with me that I had to make the center of this blog today. If you are looking for a cute song and video to start your day right, be it Friday or any other day, I dare you not to be in a good mood after hearing and watching this.
The writer and singer of the song is a friend of my friend and he is a rock & roll guy that has put out a few children's albums. This song is just perfect for both dog lovers and children! I know this song spoke to me loudly as I LOVE to dance with my dog. It is the joy at the end of everyday for me, I come home from my last appointment (no matter what time) and there is my Neville prancing around ready to dance!
If you are serious about dancing with your dog, there is even a sport dedicated to it. I don't think Neville and I will ever be in a stadium performing like the professionals, we will just settle for our living room for now.
I hope this inspires all of you to dance with your dog tonight or this weekend! Enjoy!