Friday, December 24

Christmas Eve

Since today is Christmas Eve I thought I would give you a couple of cute Christmas themed videos to enjoy.  I hope you are all able to relax and enjoy today, but if you have last minute shopping and wrapping to do, I wish you luck.

These videos were sent to me over the week and they are so cute.  One is a Jack Russell waiting for Santa... kind of a real life snoopy.  The other is a Bulldog ready to eat a toy Santa, it is really funny.

Treat yourself to a laugh, enjoy these videos:

Tomorrow I hope you all enjoy your family, friends, pets and any loved one you are lucky enough to have with you for the holidays.  If you are far away from the ones you love, don't forget to call if you can.  If you can't, hold them close in your heart and remember all the good times, it always works for me.

Merry Christmas.