Monday, November 22

The Special Gift Of Being A Volunteer

This time of year makes us stop and take notice of all the things we are thankful for and how we can help those that have less.  It is often that we only think of the humans that need us, but there are so many pets that need our help too.  Have you been to a shelter lately?  There are so many dogs and cats there just waiting to be picked as the lucky one to get a home.  I know you cannot just go and adopt as many pets as possible, but you can help.  They all need love and the shelters need help, volunteering is a great way to do this.

I read this article in's newsletter about an outstanding volunteer named Marnie Cox.  Marnie volunteers at Bideawee's shelter in NYC and has been a leading volunteer since the day she started.  She has done everything from clean up duty to helping the special pets find homes.  Marnie has been volunteering at shelters since she was 12, then once in law school, she help start the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund on her college campus, which then lead to having their first course taught in animal law.
Her efforts remain endless.  She is dedicated to caring for animals and fighting for their rights no matter if she can own one or not.  She found Bideawee's to be a perfect fit for her as they are just as dedicated to the same causes.  They are having a major food drive to help feed homeless pets!  What a great thing to do this time of year.
Check with a local shelter near you to learn more about volunteering, adopting, donating or helping feed a homeless pet.

To see more of Marnie Cox's story, bark on the link:  Bark!

To learn more about Bideawee shelter, bark on the link:  Bark!